Monday, November 12, 2012

Really? Who's teaching?

It's not me. I'm sure of it. I distinctly remember saying I'd never be one of those homeschooling types. My list of reasons was long- very long: My son doesn't like to listen to me, I don't even know phonics, I have no time, He needs that important social interaction stuff... maybe I'll write out the full list someday (doubtful- I'm really not the looking backward type).

Yet here I am. I've pulled my 5 year old, Noodle, out of school and am 'homeschooling' him.  The last month has been a crazy rabbit trail of curriculum research and anguishing decision making, moving furniture, trying out new things and gathering resources.  As I find amazing websites, informative blogs and entertaining videos, I find that neither Pintrest my Firefox bookmarks can really keep up. So, I'm going to try to post things here, mainly as a resource for myself. If you've stumbled upon this and find it helpful- awesome! I'm glad to pay it forward. I've certainly borrowed and stole everything you'll find here. After all, I'm not a teacher, I'm just a mom.

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